Saturday, May 16, 2020

Kant And Kant s Categorical Imperative - 1241 Words

Immanuel Kant, an 18th-century moral philosopher, had contended that the fundamental principle of morality is the Categorical Imperative, from here will be additionally labeled as (CI) or otherwise mentioned. He supported his view by suggesting a pure moral philosophy; a metaphysics of morals that is not solely for rational beings to explore different ¬ sources of basic moral principles that are found through their own observational experience a priori, but additionally for the sake of morality as it remain vulnerable to all types of corruption. In this paper, I will explain Kant’s Categorical Imperative, break down and analyze the components of the imperative and how he comes to the conclusion of a Categorical Imperative being a necessary component of morality. I will also explain the term ‘ought’ and how it defines a role in determining the boundaries of the Categorical Imperative and what Kant means by maxims and their role of inspiring our actions. At the co nclusion of this paper, I intend to reach the conclusion that Kant’s Categorical Imperative is a fundamental principle of morality and offers a good foundation for actions pursuant of moral ends. The Categorical Imperative is broken down in two parts. The first is determining what an imperative is. Kant suggests that everything in nature and the world works in accordance with laws and that only rational beings possess the capability of acting in accordance with those laws. Rational beings, referring are able toShow MoreRelatedKant s Categorical Imperative Essay1246 Words   |  5 Pagesutilitarianism, Kant was more focused on intent and action itself. This leads into one of Kantian ethics main ideals; you mustn’t treat another human being as a means to an end. 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