Thursday, May 28, 2020

Knapp’s Relationship Development Psychology Research - 550 Words

Knapp’s Relationship Development Psychology Research (Essay Sample) Content: NAMEINSTITUTIONKNAPPS RELATIONSHIP DEVELOPMENTAccording to research, people have been able to know and understand the developmental stages of a relationship as well as the various factors that contribute to its development or collapse. Various models have been developed to explain this. The Relational Stage model developed by Knapp is one of the most famous models which explains various types of relationships. Such relationships include friends, romantic couples, roommates and business partners among others.Knapps Relationship Escalation ModelAccording to Johnson et al., (p.54), there are various levels of relationship development. The first step in a relationship development is the initiation level which is known to be the shortest level of a relationship development. It can even be between 10-15 seconds. This is the point where impressions are exchanged between the involved parties. Here, usual greetings are exchanged and observing each others mannerism, and appeara nce takes place. Experimenting is the second stage in the development of a relationship. It is where individuals get to ask each other questions and decide on whether they would want their relationship to continue. The intensifying point then follows which is characterized by self-disclosure. This point sees the involved parties confess about their degree of commitment to each other. Integrating is the next level where the formation of a pair between the involved parties becomes evident. At this point, they start doing things together, and other individuals start viewing them as one. The parties then start bonding where the relationships are announced legally for example in a wedding ceremony (Johnson et al., p.54).Knapps Relationship Terminal ModelThis terminal model starts with the differentiating point (Johnson et al., p54). Partners at this level are far more concerned with personal matters than the matters of the two with each one of them fighting for their independence. They s tart doing things separately and in their way, and each one of them develops different hobbies. This point sounds an alarm to the two that matters pertaining their relationship need to address quickly failure to which the relationship will continue deteriorating. Circumscribing follows and is characterized by diminished communication where each one of them avoids various topics. The couple looks normal from the outside. This stage has an advantage since the relationship is not broken beyond repair and partners can discuss matters affecting them and find a solution.Stagnation then follows where the involved parties avoid having discussions about their relationship (Johnson et al., p.54). They usually think that they are aware of the response of their partners thus they are never willing to address matters regarding their relationship. At this point, partners begin seeing that there is something wrong with their relationship. Avoiding stage then follows where the partners begin to phy sically withdraw from each other (Chan and Cheng, p.305). Physically staying away from each other at this point reduces the chances of discussing matters about their relationship. The final stage of termination then follows. At times it may occur naturally. For example, roommates at school may be separated by the end of the semester leading to termination of their relationship. Another form of termination can be divorce. Termination may either be positive or negative. The stages that lead to either bonding or termination are shown in figure 1 belowFigure 1: Knapps Relationship ModelWhen building a relationship, each person knows what they want in that relationship. However, the party that benefits the most is the one that gets to the level they wanted thus reaching their dreams. If one person made use of a relationship to take advantage of the other and then get to scoop whatever they were hoping for, they then terminate the relationship hurting the other party. At th...

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